Vitamin D and COVID-19


Many people are concerned about COVID-19 and are even willing to take extreme measures to reduce their risks. But there is one very simple thing you can do right now that is likely to both reduce your risk of contracting COVID-19, and improve your outcome if you do get it.

Vitamin D Supplementation

Many people are Vitamin D deficient. Especially people with darker skin, people who live at a high latitude, and people who don't get enough sunlight. In other words, most of us.

People who are Vitamin D deficient should seriously consider taking Vitamin D supplements to help prevent COVID.

This article covers much of the scientific evidence for Vitamin D supplementation and why, even though we don't have perfect evidence yet, it is something we shouldn't ignore. This is what the government of the U.K. says about Vitamin D supplementation. They even offer it for free to certain groups. If you're not taking Vitamin D, you can buy some on Amazon right now. It's cheap. These are the supplements I am currently taking. One important note of caution. Vitamin D builds up in your system over time, so DO NOT take more than the recommended dose. Some people should not take Vitamin D. If you have any medical conditions, you should do more research and speak to a doctor. I am not a doctor and this article is not medical advice.
Level ∞
Jan 19, 2021
This article is intended as a public service to raise awareness. Comments about politics, or politics-adjacent subjects such as the effectiveness of masks, lockdowns, etc.. will not be tolerated. This is intended as a simple step which hopefully everyone can agree with.
Level ∞
Jan 19, 2021
Please do comment however, if you bought some supplements because of this.
Level 75
Jan 19, 2021
I've been sedentary and have spent most of my free time on Minecraft and Jetpunk during the pandemic, perhaps I should go under the sun every now and then. Thanks QM :D
Level ∞
Jan 20, 2021
One more thing. Sorry for the deleted comments, but this is a somewhat serious topic so weren't not going to allow little joke comments or whatever, nor suggestions that are not backed up by scientific evidence. There is room for debate. But bring evidence.
Level ∞
Jan 21, 2021
Rephrasing another user's comment...

Yes, you can also get Vitamin D by sun exposure, especially if you have lighter skin.

Level 90
Jan 21, 2021
I've actually just started taking daily Vitamin D supplements shortly before this. Good to know that it seems to be doing more good than harm.
Level 43
Jan 22, 2021
Kind of disappointed that you're featuring Amazon on such an important topic. You can buy vitamin d in probably each drug store (at least here in Austria) and of course also online :)

But yeah, a lack of vitamin d seems to be a societal problem nowadays.. (yep, screens don't emit vitamin d lol, and windows also block it.. so only one natural way to get it)

Level ∞
Jan 22, 2021
I'm all for protesting Amazon but seriously go buy some Vitamin D supplements. Doesn't matter where.
Level 70
Jan 26, 2021
What is your source for the claim that vitamin D supplementation is likely to reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19? It doesn't say that in the article or on the UK government website, and in fact the article states deficiency was only found in 33% of asymptomaitc patients compared to 40% of the general population. I'm all for supplementing vitamin D (I was taking it before I read this post and I suggest people in places with similar climates to mine do the same), but if you want to avoid contracting COVID-19 then taking there is no evidence that taking a supplement will solve your problem. Unfortunately I can't discuss any other possible solutions because they might be considered "politics-adjacent", even though I would only be discussing them in relation to what individuals can do and not what the government should or should not mandate.
Level ∞
Jan 26, 2021
You are right. Neither article says that. Although both say that it does likely reduce the severity of Covid which is more than enough reason to be taking Vitamin D right now.

But there is a good chance it does make you less likely to contract it as well:

"One study of 489 people found that those who had a vitamin D deficiency were more likely to test positive for the virus that causes COVID-19 than people who had normal levels of vitamin D."

Nowhere do we claim that taking a supplement will "solve" your problems. But for people at northern latitudes, with darker skin, or who don't get regular sunlight, it is a very good idea. How many people will die of Covid with Vitamin D deficiency while we wait for perfect evidence?

Level ∞
Jan 26, 2021
And sorry TWM03, for deleting your other comments. But we are simply not going to allow political arguments on this thread (or going forward, on other ones either). I know that this isn't fair to you, but I believe political arguments are bad for JetPunk and bad for public discourse. You'll probably think this is totally subjective and arbitrary and you're right. If this means you decide to leave the site, I would understand.
Level 75
Feb 12, 2021
I (Joshua) began taking vitamin D daily because of this, thanks
Level 26
Apr 2, 2021
hi my dad had umonia and covid from joe
Level 29
Oct 20, 2021
Is this meant to go along with the new covid vaccine