Pros and Cons of Major Sports in the U.S.


Sports are lots of fun to play and watch. Sometimes. Other times they can be tedious and boring. Here are my thoughts on the pros and cons of the most watched and played sports in the United States.



  • From a fan perspective, there is a fun freak show element to basketball. People with proportions like Manute Bol just should not exist. Not to mention the insane jumping ability and athleticism of players like Lebron James and Michael Jordan.
  • It's easy to find a game of pickup basketball, and you can play a competitive match with anywhere from 2 to 10 players.
  • The better team wins a high percentage of the time. Rarely does a single referee decision or fluke shot decide the game.
  • Basketball is very inexpensive to play. All you need is a ball and a hoop, many of which exist in public parks. Many of the top players grew up poor.


  • Forget about even playing basketball if you aren't tall. The average NBA player has a wingspan of 6'11", more than a foot in excess of the average man. The game is ridiculously slanted towards tall people at every level, from professional to the lowest recreational leagues.
  • In organized basketball, "flopping" is one of the most important skills. This often takes the form of a player dribbling the ball, then charging into the defensive player and throwing up a wild shot while making a flailing motion with his arms. Depending on the referees, this can be the single most efficient form of offense, as demonstrated by the NBA's top scorer James Harden.
  • At the highest level, basketball strategy is boring. Most teams try to shoot all their shots from beyond the 3-point arc or within five feet of the basket. All other shots strategically ineffective.
  • Teamwork is less important in basketball than other sports. Often times, the most successful strategy is to give the ball to your best player and let them try to score.
  • Recreational basketball is somewhat toxic. It's not uncommon for people to talk trash or even to get into fights at pickup basketball games.

American Football


  • American Football is without question the most strategically intricate game among all the major U.S. sports. Every play must be planned in advance, honed during practice, and then unleashed on the opponent with perfect timing and execution. A brilliant coach is far more important than any player.
  • Of all the sports, American Football most simulates the violence and pageantry of actual warfare, if you're into that.
  • American Football is the ultimate team game. Everyone must work together, perform their assigned task, maintain formations, etc... No one player can lead a team to victory.
  • American football players have a combined size, strength, and speed which is simply awe inspiring. There are 300 pound linemen who can outrun the fastest sprinter on a typical high school team.


  • Playing football is extremely bad for your health. Many players experience CTE which causes depression and dementia. Not to mention the many broken bones, ligament tears, and other injuries which frequently result from playing football.
  • Football is not a life-long sport. Almost no one plays tackle football as an adult.
  • Games are extremely long and boring. It takes three to four hours to play a football game, with an average of 11 minutes of actual action. TV timeouts and video replays have made this even more painful.
  • It takes a ridiculous amount of equipment to play a proper tackle football game. In addition, the average high-level game employs seven different referees.
  • The rules of football are complicated. Frequently, an amazing play can be taken back by some obscure penalty related to formations. If even one player makes a trivial mistake, it can negate the performance of the other 10 players on his team.



  • As far as sports go, fighting is the ultimate mano a mano test of athleticism, courage, and willpower.
  • The history of boxing goes back thousands of years.


  • I'm pretty sure that Rocky ruined boxing for spectators. In real life, boxers get tired, grab their opponents, keep their hands up, and generally try not to get punched in the face. Meanwhile, Rocky and Apollo exchanged haymakers while playing absolutely no defense at all. To the casual fan, real life boxing looks like two guys circling around each other until something happens really fast and one boxer is flat on his back. If we're lucky. Other times it goes to a decision where three judges of questionable integrity get to choose the victor.
  • I'm not 100% sure boxing isn't fixed. Convicted murderer Don King was, for a long time, one of the top boxing promoters.
  • Boxing is extremely bad for one's health.



  • Tennis is a life-long game. You can play it from a very young age until you are quite old.
  • There is a good social scene around tennis and it's a great way to meet friends.
  • Tennis is relatively inexpensive. You can buy a pro-level racket for about $250. Balls cost about $1 each, and courts can be found for free.


  • Tennis is mostly about not screwing up. Until you reach a very high level, you are far more likely to lose a point via an unforced error than to win one by making a good shot. This leads to some players becoming "pushers", who merely hit the ball back and never try to actually win the point. Even some pro players are essentially pushers.
  • Tennis can get boring. A large percentage of points are won on the serve, the return, or the next shot. Dramatic rallies are rare.
  • The level of athleticism in tennis is not as high as other sports. I'm pretty confident that if someone trained a young Michael Jordan how to play tennis, he could have eventually licked Pete Sampras. I'm 100% sure that Pete Sampras could never have become a better basketball player than Michael Jordan.



  • There is something deeply satisfying about hitting a ball with a bat. Even hearing the crack of a bat can have the same effect.
  • People who play baseball as a youth develop strong hand eye coordination and overhand throwing ability, avoiding potential embarrassment later in life.
  • Baseball has a long history in the United States which often evokes positive nostalgic feelings and often involves father son bonding.
  • Baseball is fertile ground for writers, history buffs, and statistics nerds.


  • Baseball is extremely difficult to play. Even professional players sometimes look ridiculous, providing easy fodder for the blooper tapes that are played during rain delays.
  • Playing baseball is not good exercise, leading to the quip "We're not athletes, we're baseball players".
  • A hard ball flying at high speed is bad for your health.
  • Baseball is boring. Very few exciting plays happen in the field. At the professional level, the game is dominated by walks, strikeouts, and home runs.



  • Hockey is full of excitement with few breaks in the action.
  • Subbing on the fly allows players to play at a higher level of intensity than other sports where they are forced to conserve energy.
  • Hockey gives people in northern climes a reason to be outdoors during the long and brutal winter.


  • It's difficult to see the puck when watching games.
  • Hockey is extremely difficult to play, and you have to know how to skate to even try.
  • It's also extremely expensive to play.
  • The talent pool is shallow compared to other major sports. The level of athleticism in hockey is lower than in football or basketball, for example.



  • Soccer is cheap to play. You barely need any equipment.
  • Soccer is also very easy to play. Even young children can play some semblance of soccer.
  • The talent pool is extremely deep. Soccer has more players than any other sport in the world.
  • Soccer is a lifelong sport. It's easy to find pickup games in most major cities in the world. It's a good workout and it's less likely to cause serious injuries compared to american football or baseball.
  • You don't need to be tall to play soccer. Players of all heights can be successful. Lionel Messi is only 5'7". Maradona was only 5'5".


  • In low-level games, passing the ball is often counterproductive. Simply kicking the ball as far as you can towards the other team's side of the field can be effective.
  • With 11 players on the team, an individual player doesn't get to touch the ball a lot. Some players only play defense and rarely, if ever, get the chance to score. Goalies have the worst job of all.
  • Many games hinge on a referee's decision to award a penalty kick. As a result, flopping is a huge problem.
  • The best professional teams buy all the best players, so there is very little chance that a new team can win a major championship ... except for that one time that Leicester won the Premier League.



  • Golf is objective. Your score indicates your level of proficiency.
  • Golf creates an excuse to have a fun social outing.
  • You can play golf until you are very old, providing an excuse for elderly men to spend time away from their wives.


  • Golf is extremely expensive. A typical set of clubs costs about $500 and a single round typically costs $20–$100 or even more.
  • Golf is difficult. It takes hundreds of hours of practice to have enough skill to keep an honest score. Even relatively good players often hit terrible shots.
  • It sometimes feels difficult to take a sport seriously when the "athletes" look like John Daly.

Level 52
Feb 2, 2021
Nice. But I'm strictly anti-sports.
Level 52
Feb 2, 2021
One of my favorite sports is rushing to see if a new quotes page is out. Nobody's won in many months.
Level 59
Feb 3, 2021
Level 65
Feb 3, 2021
Another pro for american football is it is often times fast paced, and a good play or interception could turn the entire game around. It is entrancing for viewers.

Edit: I enjoyed Quizmaster. There is some bias, but I like to here someone else's point of view.

Level 56
Feb 3, 2021
This brings in the interesting idea of "momentum," which is a pretty interesting debate. I for one don't necessarily believe that big plays can change an entire game, I think they just add excitement.
Level 78
Feb 3, 2021
You missed out one of the most popular sports in the US....Nascar !

Although not strictly in the same vein as the above sports , it does have a huge following especially in certain states.

Level ∞
Feb 3, 2021
Good point! I guess I'm just not knowledgeable enough to write about motor sports. I've played and watched all the sports in this blog, but I'm pretty ignorant about NASCAR.
Level 55
Feb 3, 2021
An obvious negative would be that for most of it, its the same cars moving round-and-round the track
Level 75
Feb 3, 2021
My mom used to watch NASCAR a lot before it got taken off network TV. It was pretty boring watching cars zoom around for three hours.
Level 55
Feb 10, 2021
Coming from a NASCAR guy here (50 quizzes made and counting), here's my take.


- Non-stop action. Once you get in the car, you aren't getting out for three to four hours. There are always slower and faster guys out there to pass and defend against, so it's rare to see drivers settling in and riding.

- Team sport. Although the driver is usually the star of the show, the crew chief, spotter, and pit crew all must do their part to win. A slow pit stop can relegate you to the middle of the pack and a gutsy strategy call by the crew chief can put you out front. Even the team owners and mechanics back at the shop need to continue to be innovative all season, or else you'll be behind the curve real quick.

- Endurance is critical. Drivers have lost up to 15 pounds in the past in one race because of 120+ degree temperatures in the car. The best drivers usually are long-distance runners or bikers on the side.

- Carnage. More contact and accidents than most other racing series.

Level 55
Feb 10, 2021

- Difficult to get into. For the average person, it can be difficult to find interest in what appears on the surface to be just driving lazily in circles for a few hours.

- Extremely difficult to participate in. It costs thousands of dollars to start racing at a young age. A high percentage of drivers are in the series because they come from a racing family (which isn't to say they don't have talent).

- Rift between tradition and innovation. NASCAR fans are hard to please. Most new ideas brought about by the sanctioning body are disliked for a while (playoffs, stages, aero packages). Each decision NASCAR makes pleases some and angers others. Many choices these days are made to satisfy the more casual viewers, sometimes alienating decade-long fans.

- Long season. I mean, this depends on your point of view (personally I love it), but the season goes from February to December, meaning it can be hard to stay invested as a fan and tough to get through as a competitor.

Level 89
Jun 29, 2021
One big drawback, the average person is never going to participate, except on a public road where you don't want someone 2 feet behind your bumper with the accelerator to the floor.
Level 78
Feb 3, 2021
I'm not that knowledgeable myself, and to be fair most motorsport nowadays can be boring. Formula 1 is now all down to pit stops and tyres.

Although the British Touring Car Championship (or BTCC for short) can be a little like a demolition derby at times.

Level 62
Feb 3, 2021
Here's what I'll say about cricket


Cricket is the gentleman's game. Compared to other sports, toxicity and abuse between the players is at the minimum.

As it is the case with baseball, batsmen develop a strong hand eye coordination as well. Wicketkeepers and slip fielders are known to have ultra-sharp reflexes. Bowlers(especially spinners) have great critical thinking skills.

Cricket is less club-based and more nation-based than other sports. This leads to fierce and passionate rivalries between nations like India vs Pakistan and Australia vs England. Cricket is also used a diplomatic tool to heal relations between nations.

Test cricket helps to increase Stamina and Endurance

A team can make a comeback at any point of the game, It's not over till the last ball is bowled (or all wickets have fallen)

Level 62
Feb 3, 2021

Injuries are common while playing cricket. If you are a pace bowler, you need to have your back insured. Injury to the head of a batsman can lead to death.

Equipment and protection is often expensive.

Home advantage and toss plays a big factor in deciding the result.

RAIN - THE TRUE NEMISIS OF CRICKET. Rain has the ability to absolutely destroy a cricket match, especially in England.

Level 66
Feb 3, 2021
But cricket isn’t American...
Level 43
Feb 3, 2021
But he can do it. My con of cricket is that is a little bit boring.
Level 59
Feb 3, 2021
Cricket is similar to baseball. There are many differences but if you know how to play baseball, cricket shouldn't be too difficult, and vice versa.
Level 51
Feb 3, 2021
Yeah, cricket is pretty easy to learn if you know baseball.
Level 43
Feb 3, 2021
I agree. I cannot understand baseball... LOL
Level 65
Feb 3, 2021
I feel you should add these about cricket QM! Nice job King Eureka!
Level 55
Feb 3, 2021
Interesting analysis of sports: I agree with the vast majority of the pros and cons raised here. I've been a football fan (or soccer for Americans) for most of my life and actually supporting a less major club is actually quite enjoyable. When Norwich City (My club) beat Man City last season I was ecstatic. I was beaming with joy as the win was huge: We just beat the reigning champions! I think you get more pleasure when an underdog beats a big team rather than a big team winning the league for yet another season. Supporters of clubs like Celtic probably enjoy seeing their team win every year (minus this year: You guys really should have sacked your manager months ago) but they don't get the same thrill I do when we pick up either a vital or historic win.
Level 62
Feb 4, 2021
As a Spurs fan, I really hope you guys go up again this year, always seems more fun with Norwich in the PL.
Level 55
Feb 3, 2021
Great! I think another downside for football is getting the players from one city to another, check this video out for more.

For the part about soccer goalies: I play goalie for a local soccer team, and it is actually quite fun, although it is very annoying when the other team scores.

Level ∞
Feb 3, 2021
I could see it being kind of fun playing goalie on a really bad team so you are constantly getting saves and maybe can heroically lead your team to victory on rare occasions.

The more likely scenario is you slightly mess up and the other team scores and you lose 1-nil.

Level 71
Feb 8, 2021
Kinda like Tim Howard. He's without a doubt a top-notch goalie, possibly one of the best in the world. Not saying that the rest of America's soccer team absolutely sucks, but it's also not amazing either. He definitely looks pretty impressive next to most of the other American (male) players.
Level 65
Feb 3, 2021
What about MMA?
Level 55
Feb 3, 2021
Great Blog. Just one thing I'd like to add about basketball downsides: The Ability for Big Market Players to force things.

Moist Recently, the nets Harden trade.

James Harden as you know, created a ton of chaos with the rockets. It is confirmed that he purposely wore a "fat-suit" to make him look 20 pounds fatter and out of shape. The rockets wanted him traded, but they would only do it for KD or Kyrie, the nets said KD was untouchable, so it was quite possible this would have been centered around Kyrie, but then Kyrie suddenly disappeared for reasons we don't know. I'm not trying to shame Kyrie here, because it is confirmed he bought a house for George Floyd's family, and other good things, but the fact is, it decreased his trade value. The rockets could've traded harden to another team, but Harden forced them into moving him to the Nets, which they did in a 4 team trade. While the whereabouts of Kyrie are unclear, it is clear that him lowering his trade value did alarm the rockets...

Level 55
Feb 3, 2021
And James harden then put the icing on the cake by creating drama. If a rookie tries to do this, they would get cut, but Harden, being the big name player he is, got what he wanted.
Level 55
Feb 3, 2021
I am biased because I am a big hater of Harden, but the facts are there.
Level 56
Feb 3, 2021
Is this a major problem? I think that players in the NBA should be able to move more freely, especially because one player can carry an average team to a good record. Obviously, Harden went about leaving in the wrong way, but I do think that increased player mobility/power in the NBA does have benefits. For example, if we stay in Houston, we can look at Deshaun Watson in the NFL. He is now trapped in a terribly run organization due to the NFL being a coaches/owners league. It would be a shame for him to waste his career w/ the Texans, so I would advocate for player mobility in this situation. However, as you said it does have its problems. It can lead to internal problems and super-teams. Ultimately it's all about finding that balance. While the NBA does value its players, it means that super-teams like the Nets can arise. In the NFL players are valued less, but we get more parity. Just gotta find that balance.
Level 55
Feb 3, 2021
In the NBA, players not only force their way out of teams, but force the decisions teams make. The big-name players in the NBA can do whatever they want. The NBA values its players too much. I have no problem if a player asks for a trade and gets it, even if in bad faith. But purposely underperforming to get traded is another thing.

P.S. I also feel bad for Deshaun Watson.

Level 56
Feb 3, 2021
Yeah, I really hope that this Harden trade is a one-time thing. Purposely playing badly to force your team's hand is pretty bad. Ultimately it's become "too much of a good thing." We both agree that mobility is good, but the extent that it reaches in the NBA can be absurd. Kyrie even said "I don't really see us having a head coach. KD could be a head coach; I could be a head coach." Kinda crazy how Adam Silver is letting it run. I guess it just goes back to the idea that in the NBA there are only 5 players on a court, and just one of them can drag a bad team to a good record/playoffs.
Level 46
Feb 3, 2021
I play varsity high school soccer in the US and the referee problem is very bad, they are very bad.
Level 46
Feb 3, 2021
Like you can see they know nothing about the sport. One day, a referee called a offside (look it up, I don't wanna explain it) when there was a throw-in, when offside doesn't exist in throw-ins, just in free kicks, corners and plays.
Level ∞
Feb 3, 2021
Have to laugh because I have a friend who got paid to referee a women's college soccer match, despite having never played soccer or refereed any sport.
Level 46
Feb 5, 2021
yeah, they surely do that. they may be basketball referees but they put them in soccer and they dont know what a goal is lol
Level 43
Feb 6, 2021
Level 66
Feb 3, 2021
The tennis pros and cons are mostly for relatively normal players. I play at around high school varsity level, and there are very long rallies and it is very tiring. There are also few mistakes, which means the person who seizes the offensive opportunity usually wins the point.
Level 51
Feb 3, 2021
I like soccer and tennis, and basketball isn't too bad either.
Level 43
Feb 3, 2021
I liked your analysis. Sometimes controversial, but quite fun to read. As a Brazilian of flesh, bone, blood and soul, I found that his analysis of soccer was very interesting. This reminds me of when a team called São Caetano arrived at CONMBEOL Libertadores da America, which works like CONCAF or the Champions League. São Caetano won a competition called Copa do Brasil, and went to Libertadores, despite being in a very low division of the championship at the time.

Brazilian soccer involves technique, and a lot of mathematics, since its system consists of running points. Sometimes, it loses the grace, because if the math says that your team has no chance of winning, it loses the grace to play, because you already know that you will not win. When the math says that your team is down, with a few rounds in advance, you lose the grace to play too, because you’re already down. It is not good when that happens.


Level 43
Feb 3, 2021
Soccer is a very emotional sport, and it is the most popular sport in the world. If your team wins, the city stops, almost literally, since there are caravans with the champions, and traffic is congested ... LOL! A single match generates mountains of memes. You know, Brazil is the biggest meme factory in the world ... LOL! Soccer is a very exciting sport, and if your team kicks the ball into the net, you just want to run and scream GOAL! Soccer is an unpredictable sport, and you want to watch every nanosecond.

You only want to change the TV channel when you want to see your rival team losing, or when the VAR (Video Assistant Referee) arrives. In the beginning, the VAR was seen as the salvation, since it accurately checked the moves of the match. If, for example, a player pushes you into the goal area, you ask for a penalty. So much pleading, you ask the referee for mercy.


Level 43
Feb 3, 2021
And the other team pleads that nothing happened, that there was no penalty. And the game takes time. And delay, and delay, and delay, and nothing resolved. Then, the referee puts a little hand on the ear, the other hand extended to those who are chattering. And it takes, and it takes, and it takes. Then, call the referee to the VAR booth. And he is in our role of watching the game. Until then, he says "penalty", or tells the game to continue. And it takes, and it takes, and it takes. Why? Because there is a flood of players complaining and murmuring in the referee's ear.

People want the ball rolling, not a lot of people huddled and complaining to each other. Soccer is not like that. And the VAR ends up dominating the game, causing disagreement among everyone. The VAR is gradually replacing the function of the referee, and is increasingly delaying the game. The delay that was two minutes is now 5 minutes. You lose all the grace to watch.


Level 43
Feb 3, 2021
But people breathe soccer, and that sport affects our lives. Soccer makes the world stop, and turn your control. Makes us stop on weekends and sometimes on the wednesdays... LOL! If your team wins the trophy, you think you are the president of the country! LOL! That awaited trophy, which arrives to make us proud, and the smile on your mouth. Soccer isn’t a sport. Is a lifestyle.

And just one more thing: ATLÉTICO MINEIRO!!! GALOOOOOOO!!!

Level 46
Feb 5, 2021
Mineiro has Sampaoli, so we Argentinians are the ones controlling your game. and something else, VAMOS ARGENTINA CARAJO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Level 43
Feb 5, 2021
Probably, will not in a few days. Olympique de Marseille want to contract Sampaoli. The defense of Atlético is a... I will not say bad words here LOL.

However, Atlético signed Hulk (from the Brazilian team), and I think we will level up in the next game. That is, if the defense does not drink cachaça again. I just want to see the debt. We are going the way of our rival, Cruzeiro.

Level 76
Feb 3, 2021
I would add as a pro/con that soccer games can finish 0-0, which is maybe unique in sports (I mean, a team can enter the pitch and try and play for 0-0). It's a pro because there are hardly any 'guaranteed wins', it's a con because you can have boring games for the spectators. I don't agree much with the cons... I wouldn't consider 'flopping' so bad to deserve to be put as a con, and passing style can be effective even at amateur level. Also even if you don't touch the ball much you still have to make the right movements etc.
Level 78
Feb 3, 2021
Two other things come to mind for soccer. Pro: Different kinds of talent pay off. Some players are tall, strong or fast, others use their low body center gravity to dribble effectively, and yet others are not even really athletic but technically and tactically skilled. Con: Lack of fair play which results in diving, nasty hidden fouls and endless discussions with referees.
Level 45
Feb 4, 2021
Soccer for Me is football as I British.

Pros: Anything good about it.

Cons: Nothing.

Level 78
Feb 8, 2021
I'm also a big football fan, and I think that Quizmaster's first two cons are not very accurate. If a defense is only decently organized, passing the ball ahead without passing won't work even in lower levels. And it's a misunderstanding of the spirit of the game to assume that everyone has two score. The point of a team sport is that everyone has a different task.

The other two criticisms are very reasonable, though. I often think that the game could be improved by introducing salary caps and making separating a little bit the goalposts to slightly increase the number of goals per match.

Level 43
Apr 2, 2021
In my case, the defense of my team plays a lot... -_-
Level 81
Feb 5, 2021
Hockey: "The level of athleticism in hockey is lower than in football or basketball, for example."

How is athleticism being measured here?

Level 55
Feb 5, 2021
The fastest skater speed is 29.2 mph. That's pretty athletic.
Level ∞
Feb 5, 2021
There are millions of children playing organized basketball and football. Only the most athletic of them can reach the NFL or NBA. Hockey, on the other hand, has a very shallow talent pool, at most one tenth the size, possibly only hundredth the size. It is also more about skill than about athleticism. You also have to know how to skate.
Level 55
Feb 5, 2021
That's accurate. Compared to other sports, hockey is not as athletic. But compared to the Average human, Hockey players(especially goalies) are very athletic.
Level 65
Feb 9, 2021
Was it really pertinent to say that that guy in the boxing cons is a convicted murderer? I don't the point of saying that, your sentence could've been good without it.
Level 42
Mar 2, 2021
I think you guys need some good old cricket XD. I would love the chance to play baseball, it sounds fun. As a bowler I would like to try pitching. Shame that you can't really play Baseball in UK
Level 55
Apr 13, 2021
The cons of soccer are exactly why I like Goalies the most. They always get blamed for giving up goals while the other players don't even think about the fact that they couldn't get around the other teams defense. Meanwhile, when they win, the team always hails the goal-scorers without even thinking about the fact that the Goalie stopped a ton of shots. This is exactly why I love goalies and exactly why Neuer and Buffon are my favorite soccer players. If a team wins 1-0, or 2-1, I will always be the first person to interject when people talk about the deciding goal to say that the winning goalie saved a shot that could've changed the game.

P.S. Roger Federer played soccer as a kid, but gave it up because he blamed himself for losses instead of blaming the Goalie, which is proof you can become great if you don't blame the Goalie.

Level 55
Apr 13, 2021
Exact same thing with Hockey, people will talk about the 1 goal the goalie gave up instead of the 25+ shots he saved.
Level 70
Apr 29, 2021
One *big* downside of the American 'Big 4' sports:


This is what makes soccer so interesting to watch, the fact that you can't relax out of fear of getting relegated and on the other hand the chance of succeeding in terms of promotions.

Also luckily in Europe, teams can't change location as they do in America.

Level 89
Jun 29, 2021
Great balance. The point of hockey players not having athleticism is more an appearance of athleticism though. They aren't jumping through the air, but skating without much time out is obviously demanding. Guys in a freezing arena always have hair soaking wet with sweat. It's like water polo. We may just be watching them go back and forth, but it's tough as hell to play.

One big omission: Soccer is boring. Like hockey, it can wind up 0-0 at the end of the game. Any game with 5 points scored is headline news around the world.

Level 59
Feb 22, 2023
Nice! Maybe makes a part two with stuff like Cricket and other sports, and olympic sports.

Also, you said "climes"